Thursday, April 14, 2011

Decadent Cupcake

Cupcakes are really fun to make fancy, and it's pretty easy too. The trick is all in the toppings. I made some decadent cupcakes for a birthday party that were both pleasing to the eye and the mouth. The green ones in the back are white cake bater with peppermint in it, with vanilla frosting that I also put peppermint in. I added some green food coloring to make it a mint color and sprinkled mini chocolate chips on it.
Next are the chocolate ones in the middle. I used chocolate cake batter, chocolate fudge frosting, then I got some white chocolate chips, crushed them and sprinkled them on top.
Lastly are the white ones in the front. They are carrot cake batter with cream cheese frosting and almonds on top. 
Create your own, I made 5 dozen cupcakes for about $5, that's a lot cheaper then buying something from the store, it tastes better, and you'll love sharing these with your friends.

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